Thursday, March 13, 2008


Amazingly, i woke up early today. Maybe because I have things to do, such as paying my bills (telephone, internet, cable), meeting some clients for our family business and so on. I just checked my Email a while ago. They're asking advice on how to have hard rock "Abs". Here's my tip:
Everytime you get up in the morning with empty stomach, DO CRUNCHES. I discovered that it's best to do this empty. Your stomach works so it has to digest something like food, in this case that you don't have any food in your stomach, your fats are being converted to energy, so you would notice some changes in your belly, it becomes flatter by doing this in 2 weeks time. Continue doing this until you reach your desired shape.
Try this for 15 to 20 minutes a day.
More tips on next post. I will upload some of my hot pics doing some job to demontrate the workout, so watch out for it!
Also try Blogging! It really works! Read my articles regarding that matter, also watch the video.


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