Monday, March 17, 2008

Height plus Muscle.. How to grow taller?!!

You know what, i just realized that it's better to have a good built plus a good height. I have seen lots of really Huge Bodybuilders around Metro Manila but unfortunately they're small in height. So i would like to share some techniques on how you can increase your height with NO cost and NO age limit and at the comfort of your own home!!! Just like me, before I was only 5'8" tall but after doing the exercises for a year, I'm now 5'11" tall and still growing...

Here are some of the exercises to follow to grow taller (Proven to be Effective):

1) Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Begin to arch your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as possible. Each repetition should last between 5-30 seconds.

2) Get on your hands and knees with your arms locked out. Inhale as you flex your spine down and bring your head up. Exhale as you bring your spine up into an arched position while bringing your head down. Each repetition should last between 3-8 seconds.

3) While sitting down, spread your legs far apart. Reach for your toes. Try to keep your knees as straight as possible. Now move into reaching for the toes on the other leg. Be sure to keep your spine straight and move from your hips. Do not arch the upper spine. This stretch works both your spine and legs. Each repetition should last between 6-15 seconds.

4) Lying down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor as close to your butt as possible, grab your ankles and hold onto them while you rise your hips up and arch your spine, lifting your abs towards the ceiling.
Lift your abs as high as possible. Go back down. If you can't hold onto your ankles, keep your arms to the side and use them to push yourself up. Each repetition should last between 3-10 seconds. This stretch may be hard to do at first, but be persistent even if you can't do it completely right at first.

5) Stand with your hands on your hips. Keep your hands on your hips and bend forward as far as possible, leading with your head. Don’t bend your knees and keep your chin off your chest. Each repetition should last between 4-8 seconds.

6) Standing up, reach your hands up as high as you can as you lean slightly back. Feel the stretch in your lower spine. The super stretch can be done standing up or lying down. Each repetition should last between 4-7 seconds.

Just leave a comment here together with your Email Ad or just Email me and will send you directly the instructions and images.

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Anonymous said...

ey! JR, yup i can't still figure out you blog on "how to grow taller" can u send me pics or videos if u have of the step by step instruction of those. thank u.

my email add is

thank u..
bdw, i'm 23 and i stand only 5'7"
i hope u can help me grow taller. i wanna be at least 5'9"

send me asap

thanks again

Unknown said...

heyy, i can't figure out what you mean, could you send me pics or vids of how to do it to
